
Showing posts from November, 2012

The Field Trip

22 year old Fifi was being shown around a typical office in the Gynarchy as part of her overseas field trip from the University of Lagos. Fifi was her nickname – short for Olufifi – but everyone, even in her homeland of Nigeria, knew her as Fifi. She was a tall, kindly-looking, African girl with whom everyone seemed to immediately gel – certainly her hostess for the day, 25 year old miss Laksha, had liked her instantly upon meeting her in the office lobby. Fifi was compiling her thesis on ‘Male Slavery in Modern, Gynarchial Societies’, and her week long field trip to the Gynarchy was Government sponsored. She would be spending just a few hours, however, in Laksha’s office – and Laksha had been chosen to host the overseas student’s visit specifically because she was in charge of the office footslave; she was his personal taskmistress. She was therefore ideally placed to demonstrate to Fifi exactly how male slavery worked in practice in a workplace environment in the Gynarchy! Slave Geor