
Showing posts from January, 2019

Public Yawner

The public humble head inadvertently offends the pretty customer-mistress by failing to stifle a yawn as she places her sneakered foot onto the wooden footblock beneath his kneeling neck. She angrily shouts down at him, her female voice laced with heavy sarcasm: ‘Oh I’m terribly sorry slave! Are my sneakers and socks boring you? Have you somewhere better to be and something else to do other than lickshining women’s dirty shoes?’ Realising his horrendous mistake the public footslave apologises profusely to his superior customer-mistress: ‘Oh pray, pretty mistress! Oh pray! Pray forgive me, madam! This slave can only apologise for his seeming rudeness and insulting behaviour towards your feet, madam, but his feeble excuse is that he was kept up all night by another customer-mistress who insisted that he study her socks throughout the night, and he has not, therefore, had any sleep, mistress, begging your pardon mistress, if you would be so kind and understanding please don’t beat me mis

A Pretty Prison-Visitor's Q & A

  A Gynarchy magistrate master-sir is showing off to his latest girlfriend by taking her to visit one of the prisoners he himself sentenced to life in the foothole dungeons. See how the prison authorities make the prisoner-slave kiss the magistrate’s girlfriend’s feet and, as he does so, the bright young woman inevitably has lots of questions for the female Gynarchy prison-guard mistress: Q: How often do you whip him? A: Pretty much whenever we feel like it – but at least once a fortnight, and always with a minimum of 50 lashes. Q: What type of whip do you use? A: We use a single-tailed, black leather, cowhide prison-whip. It’s known by the prisoners as ‘the sore whip’, as it is, apparently, very sore! Q: Do you make him kiss your feet after you’ve whipped him? A: Oh yes! After each whipping he must kiss his whipper’s feet the same number of times as the number of strokes she has just given him – and he must thank her for whipping him in between each footkiss! Q: Why isn’t the priso