Many Happy Returns?

‘It’s my 25thbirthday today, slave. Kiss my feet 25 times each and congratulate me!’

‘Oh pray mistress! Oh yes indeed, mistress! What an honour for me, mistress! Many congratulations, mistress, and many happy returns! Has the mistress any special plans for today, mistress?’

‘Yeah, I’m meetin’ up with my boyfriend later and we’re goin’ out for a slap-up meal. Then on this comin’ Saturday we’re having a party at my house to celebrate my birthday. All my friends will be there, and it’ll be bangin’! But you’re not invited, slave!’

‘Oh no, mistress! Indeed, mistress! I am not worthy to participate in your happy birthday celebrations, mistress, much as I would love to kiss-greet the feet of all your party guests, mistress, as they, like you, are my betters, miss. I’m garbage, miss!’

‘Has you always been a slave, an’ that, slave?’

‘Oh yes, miss. I was born a slave and will die a slave. All my life I have been required to kiss feet, if it pleases you miss and begging your pardon miss?’

‘Haha! What a loser! An’ how old is you now, slave?’

‘Oh miss, if you will forgive me miss, I don’t really know for sure, miss, as a slave is not permitted to have birthdays, miss. But I believe I must have been in existence for some 70 plus years now, miss.’

‘Haha, 70 years of kissin’ peoples’ dirty feet! Has you always been in this same wall, slave?’

‘Yes indeed, miss, apart from on those occasions when the authorities have seen fit to temporarily extract me from my wall in order to have me whipped, miss. Other than that, I have never been anywhere or done anything else, miss, begging your pardon miss.’

‘Hehe. You deserve to be whipped, slave. You’re just a slave! Haha! An’ just think of all the things you could have done with your life if you’d been free, like me, instead of bein’ a no-good slave! You might even have fallen in love and gotten married and had a family, an’ all that! Having said that, though, you is well ugly, slave! I doubt any woman would ever have had you! Haha!’

‘Indeed, miss. I do apologise for my ugliness, miss, and hope it doesn’t offend you, miss. You are very beautiful, miss. Please don’t have me whipped, miss. I’m frightened of the whip, miss! I am in your power and at your mercy, mistress!’

‘Shut up, slave, and get on with kissin’ my feet. I haven’t got all day!’

‘Yes, miss. Sorry miss! I like your black socks, miss!’

I do hope this bright and intelligent, young woman becomes a regular customer-mistress, for she is so much better than me. It is truly an honour for the likes of me to kiss her dirty sneakers. And I do like her socks – the stitching! However, as she turns to walk away from me, she makes no promises to return. As is her perfect right, for she is perfect.

And why would a superior, young woman like this keep coming back to see a dirty, ugly old public footslave like me? I mean nothing to her. As I said earlier, I’m just a piece of garbage. It is an honour for me even to breathe the same air as her sneakers. And she knows it!

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