Footslaves’ Tribulations Volume 2
More trials and tribulations of everyday footslaves. Scroll down for tribulations in reverse numerical order 10. Like mother; like daughter 9. She knows what she likes! 8. Happy Retirement, Master Robert Sir! 7. False accusations; genuine whip-lashes 6. Her Needs 5. Dirty Stop-Out, Customer-Princess Natalie & Her Late-Night, Public Bootserf 4. Slings & Arrows 3. Alternative means of communication 2. Scourge 1. Presumptions of innocence 10. Like mother; like daughter The forty-something, African-Caribbean, officer-worker madam, and her twenty-something, mixed-race, office-junior, mistress daughter, are enjoying a familial cigarette break in the smoking area out the back of their family office (a portacabin). They, quite rightly, decide they might as well also have their respective shoes lickshined by me, the local, public footservant, since I am located in their unofficial smoking-area – though in the case of the younger woman her shoes are flat, black, laced-