
clip_image002  3 x animations below

Footoire: A public cubicle, similar to a French ‘pissoir’, where ladies can have their dirty, street shoes and boots lickshined by a public footslave in some degree of privacy (their male partners may, of course, join them inside the footoire – with the lady’s permission!)

The public footoire-slave is often getting in the way of his masters and betters! Here are some examples:

clip_image0041. Love at First Sight

Here we see the stupid, uneducated footoire-slave playing gooseberry to a nice, young couple who meet each other for the first time in the confines of his footoire, and immediately fall in love with one another. The slave should be whipped for getting in the way! What an ignorant pig!

Love at First Sight by patheticus on GoAnimate

clip_image006 2. Snogging her Boots

And now, he insists on snogging the boots of a young woman who has merely popped into the semi-shelter of the city-centre footoire for a quick kiss and a cuddle with her manly boyfriend! What a selfish pig!

Snogging her Boots by patheticus on GoAnimate

clip_image008 3. Pig Sty

Finally, we see him having to apologise to a sophisticated, middle-aged mistress for the filthy state of his pig-sty footoire. What a filthy pig! Oink; oink!

Pig Sty by patheticus on GoAnimate

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