Road Rage

Road Rage

By Slave Paul

Based on an Idea by Slave Nylonsniff

It was a normal, ultra-busy rush hour morning in the bustling Gynarchy X capital city. The roads were heaving with the crowds of people trying to get to their places of work on time.

Paul was working a double shift as a taxi driver in order to make ends meet. His night shift in the tennis shoe factory was only paying 1.5 Fems an hour (an equivalent female wage for this type of job would be valued at 17.5 Fems per hour; and rightly so!)

Paul had just completed his third drop off of the morning shift and was returning to base for a well- earned break and early morning breakfast. He was just setting off from the busy, junction traffic lights when he was mercilessly cut up by a bright green estate car ploughing across the treacherous junction at great speed (disregarding the red signal light). The shock was intense as it was a real near miss! Paul wound down the window of the car to offer some rather ‘curt’ advice and signal his annoyance at the inconsiderate motorist’s driving skills (or lack of).

To his surprise, the owner of the errant green car reciprocated by lowering the driver’s side window to shout back obscenities and offer some ‘helpful’ hand signals! The most surprising thing of all was that the driver of the vehicle was female! Paul had naturally assumed that such boorish and brash behaviour could only be linked to a male driver, and not one of the fairer and dominant female sex:

‘Why don't you just ***k off, you stupid son of a b****! You male pig! I will call the police and have you sent to the foot-hole punishment centre where you will be repeatedly lacerated by the judicious female whip, you scum! You have the face of a c*** sucking w***e, so maybe you would like that, huh?’

This helpful and curt exchange of frank ideas grew steadily worse and the police had to be called as the feuding motorists were obstructing the busy intersection!

Even when the female police officers had arrived on the scene, the mad, potty-mouthed, blonde-haired, female motorist did not abstain from her verbal bombardment of obscenities towards the male taxi driver (who was, by all rights, the innocent party). The duelling couple were withdrawn to the side of the busy road so the traffic could resume its hectic flow. The female police obviously took all of the details of the female driver first and gave her a full medical check-up, whilst Paul was subjected to repeated, on-the-spot sobriety and drug tests!

‘JANET! For God’s sake my name is JANET! Okay? I need to get to my job as a shoe-clerk in the town centre now, and do not have time for this, you idiots! Just take the man away to be whipped, and let me be on my way!’

Even the brave female officers were subjected to such harsh words and a full, frantic, shrill, screaming rage from the driver (now known as Miss Janet). Miss Janet’s job as a Gynarchy X shoe clerk was considered to be a reserved occupation of great importance. As a result she was informed that she would be driven to work by the officer in the car on the other side of the road. However, she was also informed that she was not to be let off scot-free!

‘Miss Janet, you will report to the Gynarchy X road traffic offences’ court in three days’ time to face judgement on three counts of dangerous driving, and one account of disrupting the peace and disrespecting a female police officer!’

Paul laughed loudly and turned to walk back to his car, in seeming triumph!

‘Just a moment, Mister! I am taking you into custody for causing an annoyance to the general female public and disrespecting a female motorist. I am also charging you with suspected dangerous driving and attempting to resist arrest! Let’s see if these steel bracelets slow you down a bit, shall we?’

With that the brunette police officer shackled Paul’s wrists firmly behind his back! Miss Janet was delighted and asked for the officer to ensure that they were extra tight! Paul was to be held in custody for the next three days, before facing the same court session as Janet!


Once in custody, Paul was driven hastily to the police station nearest the court. He was given a finger-probing, strip search by an alarmingly butch-looking female officer, who seemed to revel in Paul’s male discomfort and embarrassment! He was then given a pair of flimsy, black and white striped, cut off trousers to wear - and nothing else! Next he was secured to a long, thick, metal rail in a crowded holding cell by a shiny looking, adjustable, ratcheted steel collar and chain! There he was left for the night.


The next day he was ushered out of the holding cell towards the dreaded punishment cell! One of his fellow detainees had helpfully informed him that he was to undergo a punishing set of ten pre-judgment strokes with a punishment whip! He was ignominiously ushered in to the bare concrete cell, where a set of heavy, steel shackles were suspended from the roof. He was then ordered to stand on the concrete block that was helpfully positioned on the floor directly beneath the shackles. Once there, a masked brute of a man appeared from nowhere and roughly guided his arms up into the metal bracelets, clapping them shut!

Just then, a short girl with a pale green, civilian dress also appeared mysteriously in the corner of the cell. She had a lovely mane of golden red tresses that cascaded down her shoulders and out of sight. Her pale, white complexion was accentuated by the occasional freckle on her delicate, feminine, facial features. She was wearing green leather pumps on her bare feet, and her deep blue eyes had focussed directly on Paul’s stretched, naked torso!

She approached the shackled prisoner slowly. Paul actually thought that this bright-looking, young woman was his salvation, and had somehow come to help him! A civilian prison-visitor of some kind?

The redhaired girl finally spoke in a soft tone, with a hint of an Irish accent:

‘Well hello there, Mr Prisoner. How goes the day so far?...’

Some stupid question, he thought!

Paul had started to formulate a reply in case this was not a rhetorical question, but was rudely interrupted by the redhead as she continued…

‘…My name is not important (and nor is yours now), but my job is! You see, I’m what we in the trade call a Tickler! It is my humble job to make you fully aware of the pain that you are about to undergo, and try my hardest to amplify that pain, by getting that old nervous system of yours all fired up with some pre-whipping stimulation! You see, laddy, basically I am a colossal female pervert, who revels in seeing puny men like you suffer up close and personal! I bet you’re a twitcher, aren't you? You’ll twitch and writhe uncontrollably as I gently tickle your nerve endings in your front and back. HA! To be sure to be sure!’

What had he gotten himself into?

The nameless civilian-tormentress then decided that it was time to let the gravity of his situation set in by slowly withdrawing the support block from beneath his bare, pre-convict soles by means of a winding mechanism in the wall. This left prisoner Paul swaying slowly in the air as the masked male whip master looked on. The fiery-headed ‘Tickler Mistress’ then slowly started to prod Paul in the chest and gently rub her sweaty palms all over his nipples in an attempt to generate nervous stimulation! This was an intense feeling, and it was working! She was a professional Tickler! And he was a natural twitcher! She then used her long, green-lacquered fingernails to rake over the underside of his chained arms all the way down to his chest! This actually caused involuntary jerks of sensual overload in the bound, male prisoner!

‘Enough of that then! We are not here to enjoy ourselves, are we now? Well, you’re not, anyway!’

Miss Redhead then drew herself up to the prisoner’s height by standing on a step ladder that was gallantly steadied for her by the masked whip master.

‘Did you know that when the whip-tip hits your skin, it actually breaks the sound barrier? It will lacerate the flesh and send lethal pain signals to that pathetic excuse of a male brain of yours!’

She said this whilst biting hard on his left ear lobe, and sensuously digging her thumbnail into his left nipple. Her dainty, feminine fingers then traced the nerve-endings around his stretched ribs and up and down his naked and vulnerable spine, waking them up!

‘I think we are ready for lash number one please, whip master?’


‘Aww, is the pain really nasty? Don’t worry, boy! If you are actually found to be innocent of your crime, you will be paid 1.5 Fems in compensation for your falsely applied whip-lashes!... Whip master, lay on No2 please!’



At the end of day two in the punishment cell, Paul was still shackled to the same bar but with a newly striped back to show to his fellow male prisoners! He also had the musty smell of the inside of the left, green leather pump that the redheaded Tickler Mistress decided would be a fitting conclusion to his punishment by pressing it over his nose as he swayed to and fro in the breeze between whippings!

Following a relatively uneventful day three, Paul was finally allowed his day in court! He was clapped in leg irons and marched up into the female court to face his accuser along with six other pre-convicted males. The men had to stand alone at the front of the court with their backs to the women in the gallery. A loud shrill laugh went out! It was Miss Janet, the shoe clerk that had cut him up in the rush hour traffic. She was in the separate ‘female dock’, also accused of crimes, but was allowed to sit in a comfy, leather, wingback chair! She was overjoyed at the sight of Paul’s freshly whipped back!

The court rapidly progressed through the plethora of cases. Most of the miscreant males received fines and community footslave orders. As this was a petty road-offence court, the punishments were not overly exciting. The occasional prison sentence with hard labour would gain a cheer from the female gallery, but little else.

Finally it was the turn of Paul and Janet to face justice!

A lengthy exchange of accusations and counter accusations ensued. Eventually, the female judge had made up her mind! The blonde-ponytailed Miss Janet was the first to receive judgment:

‘Miss Janet, you are hereby sentenced to “The Steps” and will undergo 250 circuits on one day!’

A rather shocked looking Miss Janet was lead away to undergo her punishment, much to the temporary merriment of Paul the taxi driver!

‘Male prisoner in the dock, it is the sentence of this court that you should undergo eight hours on “The Steps”. However in view of your pre-convict whipping, I commute your sentence to a mere seven hours! Take him away!’

As Paul was about to discover, “The Steps” is an alternative punishment that is unique in the Gynarchy X as it is for both male and female offenders! The men are laid out, face up, on a set of wide concrete steps. They are shackled hand and foot and are placed under a specific, strict tension of 200 pounds of stretching force! The women underwent an altogether different punishment. They were issued with magnetic cards and informed, in advance of their sentence, of what type of footwear they were to place on their feet. The ‘punishment’ for them was the ‘effort’ of having to continuously stomp down on the naked, upper torsos of the restrained male prisoners! This would make their dainty, feminine feet, toes and lower legs ache! Fortunately, they only had to descend the male-human steps! Once at the bottom, they used the magnetic card to open a gate and allow them access to the escalator that would return them to the top of the steps to run another circuit! This would also accurately count the number of trips, or ‘circuits’, made by the female convicts, in accordance with their sentence!

Most of the women present were instructed to wear tan nylon stockings and stiletto heeled shoes! This was considered more of a punishment for them, as their leg pain would be worse! A couple of the females were even ordered to go barefoot, and some had tennis shoes on bare feet, whilst others convicted of more serious crimes (including those brought out from female prisons) completed the circuits in bright orange jumpsuits and pink flip flops with gold plated leg irons!

Miss Janet was one of the many who were ordered to attend in tan stockings and stilettos! She had deliberately used a pair of her oldest, smelliest stockings on a pair of high-heeled shoes fit only for the refuse dump! Her observant female eye soon spotted Paul’s naked torso on the first trip down the steps! She deliberately tarried over him, and dug her spiked heel deep into his stomach and chest respectively, winding him!

On her second trip down, she jumped from the prisoner on the step above Paul in order to cause extra discomfort to her human landing-strip! On the third circuit, she had convinced her fellow, female convicts to do the same, and soon all of them were pounding Paul’s midriff with their feet with extra, female vigour!

About one hour into the sentence, one of the more serious offenders in the shiny gold leg irons and orange jumpsuit stumbled as the prisoner above Paul feebly floundered in pain! She tripped over in her cruel, golden shackles as her pink flip flop from her left foot flew into the air, and she fell and accidentally jabbed her elbow into Paul’s intimate male area causing an agonized, male scream! The shocked female convict was whisked away to the medical bay for examination, as the other convicts continued to pound into Paul, blaming him for their fellow-jailbird’s fall!


Half way into the “Steps” sentence and Miss Janet was floundering herself! The punishing trek was taking its toll on her female legs and feet! She had also lost several ‘allies’ as most of her cohorts had been sentenced to a lower number of circuits and allowed to go free! Miss Janet took advantage of the female guards’ laxity and paused for a brief break on Paul’s stomach! She removed her hot sweaty heel from her right foot and cupped Paul’s unprotected nose with the reinforced toe area of her warm, nylon stocking! The hot, musty sweaty aroma was truly shocking for him! She then upped the male-prisoner’s public humiliation even further by prising open Paul’s convict-mouth and inserting her nylon clad, pink polished toes into his gawping, oral orifice, effectively using it as an unofficial prison foot-bath!

Paul’s only luck was that he was going to finish his sentence an hour before Miss Janet, thanks to his pre-whipping (which was nevertheless causing him added agony as he lay shackled and stretched out on his bare back). The male convicts were laid out in descending order of sentence duration. As the convict completed his sentence, he was released and allowed to re-dress before leaving the prison. Paul was due yet more bad luck, however, as the female guard on duty at the “Steps” this particular day was evidently preoccupied trying to woo the hunky, masked, prison whip master and get him back to her house in order to whip her personal footslave free of charge! Sadly, she did not notice that Paul had completed seven hours, so he had to uncomplainingly undergo an un-official extra hour of punishment! This meant that he finished his sentence along with Miss Janet after all!

On her release, Janet was conveyed back to her house in a court-ordered taxi (Paul’s old taxi, to be precise, as he lost it when he was sacked from his company following his arrest). To add to Paul’s further humiliation, the prison authorities managed to lose his shirt and trousers! Paul therefore had to pay for his way home on the bus, dressed only in a pair of pale pink, male-prisoner shorts with the words ‘Property of the Female Prison Service’ written on them! He was mocked by the male and female public alike for both his fiery, whip-marked back and the searing stiletto marks all across his bare chest!

What a humiliating episode. And that was just for a very minor offence – in the Gynarchy X!


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