Feminist Lawyer

Ms Shamzia madam is a very busy young woman. She is a feminist lawyer who has successfully prosecuted many male slaves like myself for allegedly disrespecting their customer-mistresses - even when those charges have been entirely false and trumped up - thus leading to those slaves being severely punished with the sorest of whips. And so this is one young woman whose wrath and disapproval I certainly don't wish to incur!

I therefore show her the utmost slavish respect by keeping my humble head down and endeavouring to do a thoroughly good job of lickshining her boots whenever she deigns to visit me. Her boots and socks must surely be amongst the most powerful in the land? Truly she is a superb young woman, but I must confess to always breathing a footslavish sigh of relief when she turns to silently walk away from me, for I'm immensely frightened of her!

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