
She ambles towards me, deeply engrossed in a phone conversation through her Covid facemask. Unfortunately this means I can't see her face, but her accent is distinctly West African, so I may surmise that she is inevitably very pretty. 

Her phone conversation continues uninterrupted as she presents me with her right sneaker to publicly kiss-respect. I may not be able to see her beautiful face, but she is certainly wearing beautiful socks - a deep, rich blue, with perpendicular rows of stitching that are just large enough to absorb her precious foot moisture whilst at the same time showing off the curves and contours of her shapely ankles.

She subliminally switches feet beneath me at one point, so I do get to see both her socks at close quarters. Then, all too soon, she is gone. Her rich, blue socks sadly amble away from me. Never to return?

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