A Lowly Life Dominated By Sneakers

His is a lowly life dominated by sneakers. Specifically, other people's sneakers, which he must kiss and lick throughout the day and night; the sneakers of strangers; the sneakers of passers-by; the sneakers of his betters.

For he is just a municipal footslave, in a grim and dirty back-alleyway!

Yet another pair of sneakers head towards his municipal mouth

The sneakers stop and gloat over him for a while...

...before one of them imposes itself on his menial mouth!

He doesn't recognise the sneakers, but it's actually exciting for him to kiss a stranger's sneakers!

For he has the slavish joy of knowing that his lowly lips are touching them for the first time

And that this young woman's sneaker-DNA is now being transferred onto his mouth!

Plus, of course, he gets a close-up and personal view of her sock!

He is thus in the presence of greatness...

...sneaker and sock greatness!

The sneakers and socks of a bright and intelligent young woman

Of a being who is better than him

A superior being who now towers over him...

...switching her sneakered feet in front of his face!

The stranger turns to leave him without having said a word to him

He is beneath her, and not worthy of her female conversation

He's just a slave - a sneaker-kissing, municipal slave!

He watches on admiringly as the superior, female sneakers and socks depart from him

Oh how he wishes he could be one of this girl's socks!

To accompany her foot inside her sneaker wherever she is going!

But he knows he is not worthy to be a sock...

...and so he must remain behind in the dirt...

...savouring the pretty customer's superior sneaker-DNA! 

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