
Alpha Asian Female

Today it is my honour to serve an Alpha Asian female customer-mistress as she totally ignores me being engrossed in a conversation in Chinese on her phone high above me. She’s right to ignore me, of course, for I am just the zeta male at her feet – fit only to kiss her Asian-girl boots beneath her Asian-girl socks! She seems to be a businesswoman of some sort - on her way home from the office, perhaps? She is certainly fixated on her phone call above me as I kiss-respect her Asian boots I'm thick. I can't speak Chinese, so I have no idea what her conversation is about Not that it's any of my damn business. My only business is with her Asian BOOTS and SOCKS! I endeavour to look up admiringly and respectfully at the Alpha customer's SOCKS She, meanwhile, ignores me beneath her And rightly so, for she has much more important Chinese things to be thinking about and conversing about! I am, literally, beneath her SOCK! My sole function in life is to kiss the BOOTS of my bet...

His Only Legitimate Business

During his mistress Mukta’s business meeting, her sock slavey’s role is merely to kneel next to her feet beneath the meeting-room table and to study her socks. He must fill his menial mind with thoughts about his mistress’s socks – such as the patterns in the stitching and any creases in the socks – since he is not worthy to think of anything else. Nor is he permitted to eavesdrop on the content of Ms Mukta’s discussions with her business colleagues since such things are, literally, over his humble head. His mistress’s SOCKS are his only legitimate business!  Sock slave's only legitimate business during the business meeting is to kneel and study his mistress's SOCKS! He must NOT clutter his menial mind with thoughts that do not concern him His entire focus beneath the boardroom table must be on his mistress's SOCKS... ...the STITCHING, the CREASES... ...the way her SOCKS follow the contours of his mistress's FOOT! Slavey's humbling view of his mistress's LEFT ...

In Their Element

Ms Mukta and her husband are in their element – holidaying together in the fashionable ‘Indian Riviera’ quarter of the Gynarchy’s second biggest city, Femina, which is located by the coast. They love the fact that, wherever they go in the Gynarchy, there will always be a public footslave nearby to kiss their feet and remind them of their godhood. Even whilst she is on holiday, Ms Mukta manages to find a street-corner feetslave! She loves  having her feet kissed by a lowly slave, whether she's at home or on holiday! And likewise her manly husband loves  watching his wife having her feet kissed by a lesser being than him! The truth is that public feet slaves are two a penny on the streets of the Gynarchy A lady's foot need never be far from a feet slave's menial mouth! Ms Mukta, as is her womanly wont, switches her holidaying, sneakered feet several times in front of the feet slave's face Haha - he is well and truly surrounded by the FEET, SHOES and SOCKS of his BETTERS! ...