
Local girl Ms Su-Ling is fast becoming a regular visitor to my pitch - at least on weekdays when she is making her way into the nearby college where, I believe, she is a chemistry student, training to become a pharmacist (I gleaned that from an overheard conversation with one of her fellow students!)

Ms Su-Ling herself doesn't say much. Indeed, she can often come across as quite surly, restricting her verbal communication towards me to curt, abrupt orders to kiss her feet. But what's not to like about her? Her socks are always fantastic - usually monocolour e.g plain grey or black (today they are navy blue), and thanks to the elevated footblock I always get to see them whilst I am kiss-respecting her sneakers. Furthermore, she always does me the honour of switching feet in front of me, so I get to see both her lovely socks! She's superb, and there is a definite chemistry between us - albeit just the everyday chemistry of a lowly public footslave serving his superior customer-mistress!

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