Sizing Each Other Up

The customer-mistress and the groundhead slave size each other up as she walks confidently towards him.

The customer-mistress: The first thing that strikes her is how helpless he is - buried up to the neck, his humble head surrounded by a wooden footboard; a footboard on which she will soon be placing her pretty feet for kiss-respecting. Haha - he really will be in her power and at her mercy!

The second thing she is thinking is that he will be forced, whilst he is kissing her shoeleather, to look at her socks - plain, grey socks today. She is glad she chose to wear her plain grey socks today, for they will surely add to the footslave's humiliation (no fancy, feminine patterns in the socks for the fool to study and admire!)

The third thing that occurs to her is that she could kick his face in, if she wanted to. There is no Law stopping her, as he is just a slave. Haha - how she loves being a free, female citizen of the Gynarchy - at liberty to treat a public footslave howsoever she wishes! She's going to enjoy this!

The groundhead slave: The first thing the lowly groundhead slave notices about his prospective customer as she marches towards him, is that her black leather slip-on shoes are dirty and muddy. He therefore braces himself for the taste of mud, for whether she orders him to kiss her feet, or lickshine her shoes, his menial mouth is about to experience the bittersweet taste of feminine shoemud!

The second thing he notices about her, is her grey socks. Already he feels humbled, for it is late evening and he can assume those socks will have been on her feet all day inside those same, enclosed leather shoes. He is about to come up-close and personal with the young woman's socks as they will be just inches away from his footkissing face - certainly close enough, he hopes, for him to see the individual lines of stitching in the socks. Oh how humbling for him! Oh how humiliating!

The third thing he notices is how pretty the young woman is - with her long, black hair. She must make some freemale somewhere very proud to be her boyfriend - not that the groundhead slave could ever be her sexual partner. He's just a slave - buried up to his neck in the ground; and he knows he will never be freed. Yet another humbling thought - he 'fancies' his customer, but can never be with her. Heck, he can never even aspire to be her personal footservant, since the authorities would never release him into her custody. And nor, let's face it, would she want him as her personal footslave - he hasn't even been trained in sock husbandry or in how to give pedicures; he's just a lowly feetkisser and shoelicker!

Finally, he observes that she is a smoker - always a sure sign of dominance and cruelty in a bright, young woman, for it indicates her self-confidence and her sense of self-worth. She likes to smoke, therefore she damn well will, as she has the female freedom to enjoy a cigarette. Oh how the groundhead slave yearns for a cigarette; and a drink! But such pleasures are denied him - again, because he's just a slave; only other people's boot and shoe dirt is allowed to pass his lowly lips!

The young woman's feet loom large as she gets ever nearer to him. The foolish slave instinctively licks his lips - not because he is savouring the taste of her dirty shoemud, but in order to 'clean' his lips ready to serve her. In other words, he licks his lowly lips out of slavish respect for her. She is his master - or, at , she will be for the next few minutes. He must submit to her, and please her - otherwise she can report him to the authorities and have him whipped (the only time he is taken out of his hole in the ground is in order to be whipped; and, all things being equal, he would much rather stay in his dirty hole!)

She laughs at him as - with her right, muddy shoe extended directly in front of his confined face - she barks her female orders down at him:

'Kiss my foot, slave!'...

Sure enough, he can see the stitches in her sock as his menial mouth tastes her dirty shoeleather!

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