Pug Ugly

A local beat-officer mistress complains, as I kiss-respect her beat boots, that I am 'the most pug ugly footslave' she has ever seen. She orders me to apologise for sullying her uniform boots and socks with my pug ugly face. I do so, most humbly.

She then asks me why I have a black eye, and I ashamedly explain that a dissatisfied customer-mistress had seen fit to punish me by kicking me in the face. The officer-mistress says I am clearly not up to the job of being a public bootlicker, and that she is therefore going to have me replaced. As she turns to leave me she says that she will arrange for me to be transferred to the underground slave mines where I can eek out the rest of my days breaking rocks under the sting of my taskmistresses' whips - well out of the public's view, so that they don't have to look at my ugly face any more!

I thank the officer-mistress kindly for her kind actions, even though I am dreading my future life of hard labour in the slave mines!

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