
My customers almost never speak to me - except perhaps to order me to kiss or lick a particular part of their footwear, or to berate me - since I am so far beneath them on the social scale. So the most I can hope for, whilst I am kiss-respecting their shoes, is to eavesdrop on their superior conversations with others - either in person or on the phone.

Like the current customer-mistress for instance. She appears to be on the phone with one of her mates, arranging to meet up for a drink later. Needless to say, I won't be invited along to the drinks. As far as this pretty customer is concerned I'm just an anonymous piece of street furniture - a thing that kisses feet outside the ladies loos.

Note how she still doesn't converse with me even after her phone call has finished. She merely switches feet in front of my face - silently - before walking off without so much as a by-your leave! And quite right too - why should a superior young woman such as this pass the time of day with a mere public humble-head like me?

If I could engage with her in a conversation I would ask her all about her socks - how long she's had them; how much they cost; how high they reach up her ankles etc. That's because I very much admire my customers' socks. I'm queer like that!

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