Prisoner-Slave Transportation

Here we see an elderly prisoner-slave being transported to the underground slave mines - for life! No wonder he looks downcast in the back of the prison cart. The rest of his miserable life will be spent toiling under the constant sting of the lash!

A gorgeous Gynarchy guard-mistress skilfully drives the prison cart

She has a firm grip of the reins!

Her uniform boots and socks

Her cargo!

Looking decidedly downhearted and disconsolate - as well he might!

Staring at his guard-escorts boots... he contemplates the fate that awaits him - a life of backbreaking toil!

The guard-escort mistress shows little sympathy for the old slave man

What else is society supposed to do with a used, clapped-out old slave?

The last fresh air this slave will ever breathe is through the bars of the prison cart!

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