Equal Slavish Respect

A public humble head like me must afford equal slavish respect to his male betters as he does towards his female betters. And, in the Gynarchy of Barbaria, any free male is better than me and has delegated female authority to use me.

I therefore kiss the man’s feet with genuine respect and humility.

A stern-looking man heads towards me - a potential customer-master!

If he is, I must show him the same slavish respect I would show to a woman, since he too is my better

His feet stop in front of me, displaying the same contempt for me that a woman's feet would

He says nothing, merely shoving his right foot towards my menial mouth. Protocol dictates I must kiss it

I must then show the same footslavish respect to his left foot. I admire the free man's shoes and socks

He quickly turns and walks away from me after just one slavish kiss to each foot

I admire the backs of the man's socks as he walks away from me

I feel duly humbled

The man has exerted his free-male authority over me. I'm just a weed, down amongst the other weeds!

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