Chain Smoker

She lives locally and is a chain smoker. She is thus one of my regular customers art ‘Smokers’ Corner’, but I do not know her name, for she never speaks to me. And nor should she – I’m just a slave.

Nevertheless, as I kiss her dirty, grey sneakers and admire her plain, black anklesocks there are many things I would like to ask her:

·     When she got dressed this morning, was she consciously thinking about which pair of socks to wear, and thus did she deliberately choose this plain black pair to go with her grey sneakers, and thus to deliberately add to my humiliation (for black socks are a truly humbling sight for a slave to have to observe on a pretty girl’s ankles)? Or did she just throw on the nearest pair of sock she could find, without any second thoughts, either for the colour-coordination between her sneakers and socks, or for my footslave feelings?
·     When were these socks last washed? Do they reek of her personal, vinegary, sweet feminine foot odour inside her warm sneakers, or do they smell as fresh as daisies?
·     What is the viscosity and absorbability of her black, cotton socks? How much of her divine footsweat and dead footskin-cells do they retain?
·     Has she been out courting her boyfriend – a real man – whilst wearing those same sneakers and socks (another truly humbling thought for an impotent and immured footslave such as myself)?
·     What is the overall stitch count in her socks?

You will note that none of my unanswered questions involve things like the young woman’s interests and hobbies. Or her occupation, or her ethnic origins. That’s because none of those things are any of my business. My business is with her feet and footwear, and specifically her socks, since they are, at least partially, on display to my face.

And, as she turns to nonchalantly walk away from me, still smoking and still self-absorbed in the contents of her phone, I ponder why I cannot go with her socks? Be a part of them – absorbing her foot moisture and foot scent into the very essence of my being and providing a loving and protective foot-covering for her pretty feet and ankles in conjunction with her fabulous grey sneakers? I long for her sneakers and socks to come back to me – which, in all probability they will do, in an hour or so. For the one thing I doknow about this beautiful young woman is that she is a chain smoker.

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