Surrounded By Socks

As a lowly, down-in-the-dirt, head-in-the-wall footslave my life is well and truly dominated by my customers’ socks.

Here you see me studying the backs of my regular customer-mistress Ms Joanne’s socks whilst she is enjoying a cigarette and conversing with another of my regular customers, Ms Mukta madam, high above me. It may be the case that Ms Mukta’s socks are the more interesting and admirable, being blue with pink dots, as opposed to the plain brown socks of Ms Joanne, but as it is Ms Joanne’s socks that are closest to my face, by Law they are the ones I must study and contemplate, under pain of the whip!

And so I focus on the creases in Ms Joanne madam’s plain brown cotton bootsocks, imagining what it would be like to inhabit one of those creases as a single bacterium having to cling onto her sock for dear life throughout the various movements in her cotton sock material as she subliminally twists and manoeuvres her foot around. However, the more I study Ms Joanne’s sock creases the more I appreciate that I am not worthy to belong to her sock, as it is the sock of a goddess, and I bow my head in humility and shame at the thought I could ever aspire to be a humble bacterium living on a girl’s sock. I must not get ideas above my station! I am but a public footservant, honoured and blessed to be in the mere presenceof a beautiful young woman’s sock – especially whilst she is still wearing it inside her everyday boot!

I hope the conversation between my two betters continues for some time, for I am now focussed on studying a single stitch within customer-mistress Ms Joanne’s plain brown cotton sock, and thinking about how that individual stitch too is better than me. Oh to be a permanent follower of her sock! Oh if only I were free to follow Ms Joanne to her socked and booted heels on my humble hands and knees. But I am not. I am a mere head-in-the-wall, static footservant. And so I must make the most of this sock-studying opportunity as it is presented to me.

Oh pray, Ms Joanne madam! Your socks!

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