Going Up In The World

Here you see me surrounded by people who are going up in the world:

·       The bright and intelligent, young woman having her shoes licked by me is, quite literally, about to go up in the world, as she is already a successful, young businesswoman who shall soon be emerging from the subway onto the street with freshly shined shoes. Shoes shined by my unworthy tongue!
·       Similarly, the handsome businessman making his way down the subway stairs is clearly a success in life. Look at the smug smile of self-satisfaction on his face, as he contemplates how fortunate he is not to be like me – a down-in-the-dirt, shoelicking ornament, forced to lick women’s dirty shoes and boots in a grubby and grimy public subway entrance.
·        Meanwhile, the sadistic, middle-aged master sir, who earns his living by poking me in the eye for a few scents* from my customers whilst I am lickshining their shoes, is likewise going up in the world. He makes a tidy profit each day out of my humiliation and misery – doing a job he absolutely loves!  And note how the customer-mistress having her shoes shined smiles down approvingly at his actions. Worth every scent*, in her opinion!      *Scent – A unit of female currency (100 scents = 1 Fem)
·       As for the young, redheaded woman who is watching proceedings whilst seated on the steps and enjoying an early morning cigarette and a drink, well it may not be quite so immediately obvious how she is ‘going up in the world’ – as she is clearly a drop out from college and currently unemployed. But the mere fact that she can afford to laze around all day, thanks to the Gynarchy’s generous Female Benefits System, just goes to prove how she is at least one step above me on the social scale – literally so, if you look where she is seated. She is, in fact, a giant leap above me on the Gynarchy’s social ladder, being an unemployed, free young woman with no academic qualifications, which is why I have already kissed her scruffy boots and admired her slovenly socks.
·       Lastly, but not leastly, can you see in the distance at the street level at the top of the subway entrance, the black, female Gynarchy police officer mistress -  totally oblivious to my pain and suffering beneath her? That’s because I ambeneath her – in every sense of the word. Her job is not to protect the likes of me, but rather the free citizens of the Gynarchy; my betters; people who are going up in the world, like her, and like all those other people who are surrounding me right now.

Yes, I am truly surrounded by greatness, and feel honoured to be at the feet of my subway superiors.

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