Wheelchair Mistress

The wheelchair mistress likes nothing more than to visit prisoner-slaves in the stocks with her husband, and to ask them how they are liking it – being cramped and confined in the kneeling stocks whilst she is free to move around?

She enquires as to the wellbeing of their necks – are they stiff and sore? And don’t they wish they could move their confined necks, even if just a few inches, in order to relieve their cramps? She then invites the hapless prisoner-slave to study her long, black socks, and she subsequently will ask him questions about her socks – questions which are well-nigh impossible to answer, such as:

·       How many stitches do they contain?
·       What is the density of footsweat currently contained in them?
·       How would he describe the beauty of her socks?
·       How should her socks be honoured, as the socks of a bright and intelligent young woman like her? And
·       Would he lay down his life for her socks?

When the prisoner-slave, inevitably, fails to answer her questions correctly or to her complete satisfaction, her best friend, who is standing over the prisoner-slave with a whip, will deliver a series of suitably sharp, stinging blows to his bent-over back, thereby adding to the prisoner’s distress, and to her friend’s commensurate pleasure.

And that’s exactly as it should be!

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