Magistrate Mukta

Ms Mukta Madam lovesher part time job as a Gynarchy magistrate. She loves the feeling of power she gets as the desperate prisoner-slaves kneel before her in the Female Courtroom, desperately kissing her feet and begging her for mercy – mercy she is rarely disposed to show!

Here we see one such hapless prisoner-slave on his knees before Ms Mukta, pleading for the skin on his back. Points to note about this scene:

·     Seated next to Ms Mukta is the prisoner-slave’s accuser – a beautiful, young black woman. See how the accuser is gloating over the prisoner’s fear and desperation as she witnesses the fool grovelling over Magistrate Mukta’s dirty sneaker-toes. She’s loving every minute of it!
·     For your information, she had accused the slave of disrespecting her, whilst he had been serving her in his lowly capacity as a footkissing, public humble head out on the streets, by calling her ‘Miss’, when she is, in fact, a ‘Madam’. In the Gynarchy, the term ‘Miss’ is reserved for young women aged 18-21. The prisoner-slave’s accuser is actually 25, though she was, if truth be told, secretly flattered that he thought she was still under 21. Nevertheless, his impudence gave her an excuse to have him punished before the Courts, and what young woman would wish to pass on such a wonderful opportunity to humble and humiliate a public footservant before the Female Courts?
·     Also in the scene is a uniformed Gynarchy Guard Mistress, watching gleefully over the slave as he trembles on his knees before Ms Mukta.
·     You will observe that the slave has already been whipped (presumably by the same Gynarchy Guard Mistress) in order to extract a confession and apology from him. All magistrate Ms Mukta must now decide is how many more lashes to sentence him to by way of his punishment, plus whether or not to include a punishment spell in the public stocks (she almost certainly willhave the prisoner confined in the stocks as part of his punishment. Ms Mukta loves the stocks – she loves sentencing prisoners to the stocks; visiting the stocks; and taking selfies as she lords it over prisoner-slaves confined in the stocks, which she then uploads to her social media pages for all her friends to admire and enjoy!)
·     The prisoner-slave is being well-behaved. He is not blubbering uncontrollably over Magistrate Ms Mukta Madam’s socks, despite the fact that she is wearing very nice diamond-patterned socks and his being in abject fear of her, but rather is confining his pathetic pleading to her dirty sneaker-toes, as befits a penitent and contrite, convicted prisoner-slave.
·     But none of that will do him any good. The sentences of the Female Courts are harsh for the male crime of impudence. He can expect the number of lashes he receives to be in the dozens – perhaps even as many as 120 lashes, should Ms Magistrate Ms Mukta Madam feel so inclined! Much will depend on to what degree the punishment of flogging is to be offset by his inevitable period of confinement in the stocks. And Ms Mukta may permit the convicted slave to reduce his sentence somewhat by kissing the feet of his accuser 100s of times. Something he would willingly do, in part because of his shame at his male crime of impudence towards her, but mostly because he is a coward when it comes to the whip and the stocks, and he will do anything to try to elicit sweet feminine compassion and mercy in his female superiors.

Ha! Ha! One wonders what is going through Magistrate Ms Mukta’s pretty mind as she ponders over her female judgement of the slave? One thing’s for sure – since she is paid according to the severity of the sentences she imposes, this prisoner-slave will most definitely not be let off with a mere suspended sentence!

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