No Idle Threat

It’s late at night; it’s pouring with rain; it’s cold – and, unsurprisingly, there aren’t many customers about. But the inclement weather isn’t enough to stop regular customer-mistress, and local girlgang drug addict, Ms Arabella Madam, from availing herself of my services.

Ms Arabella, who happens to have a pair of rusty pliers with her, is pointing out to me that her boots are filthy, due to the mud and the rain, and she ‘strongly advises’ me to do a good job of lickshining them clean, otherwise she might have to ‘reshape’ my ears, as she so delicately puts it!

This is no idle threat. Ms Arabella madam has a reputation for violence, despite her seemingly sweet and innocent appearance and her white socks, and so I apply my tongue most vigorously to her boot leather, much to her triumphant amusement.

To be honest, I’m just glad of her company on such a dank and dismal evening. A slave can get very lonely out here on the mean streets of the Gynarchy!

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