Sock Studier

Here we see a personal footslave concentrating on the backs of his mistress’s socks whilst she is working on her laptop in the college library.

We can observe that the mistress, who is extremely bright and pretty, has taken a number of measures to kindly facilitate the stupid slave in his sock-concentration efforts:

·     Firstly, and most obviously, she has fitted him with a ‘concentrator helmet’. This is a device which delivers a powerful, and painful, electronic shock to the slave’s temples should he have even a single thought that does not include his mistress’s socks. The clever device constantly monitors the slave’s thoughts to ensure the word ‘sock’ appears in every unspoken sentence as he cravenly contemplates the wonder of his mistress’s socks. Not only that, but his thoughts must be positive, and respectful of her socks. Any negative or disparaging thoughts about her socks will also be punished with sharp, electrical pain to his temples, though he is allowed to contemplate how sweaty his mistress’s socks may be inside her sneakers. That’s because, in the Gynarchy of Barbaria, a mistress’s socksweat is seen as a positive thing, as is the sweaty aroma of her socks. The helmet is also of physical assistance to the hapless slave in his humiliating task of sock-concentration, as it not only weighs his head down thereby forcing him to bend the neck, but it also shields his eyes from any extraneous distractions such as the shoes and socks of other student mistresses who may be passing by.
·     Secondly, this bright young woman has fitted her slave with a permanent footfool mask underneath the concentrator helmet. This not only makes the slave look just as ridiculous when he is not wearing the helmet; it also reminds everyone who encounters the slave that he is a fool for his mistress’s socks. It even makes his eyes look bloodshot and sad – sad that he cannot immerse himself in his mistress’s cotton sock fabric and become a part of it! Ha! Ha! What a fool!
·     Then we notice that his back and arms are covered in whip marks, so his pretty mistress is clearly not averse to deploying more traditional methods of discipline to ensure compliance in her sockslave. And rightly so!
·     Finally, it is worth noting that the mistress is kindly and compassionately wearing a pair of fancily-stitched socks, so that the stupid slave has much to study and concentrate on. He must contemplate how the basic weave of her beige, cotton sock is interlaced with diamond patterns of thicker, ribbed stitching – all of which give him several well-defined areas of sock in which to count the number of individual stitches. Remember, every single stitch in the mistress’s cotton sock is a higher life form than the slave, and is worth more than him, since it is imbued with the mistress’s sweaty foot-DNA. The slave can only aspireto be as important or as relevant as her sock, since he is a nothing and a nobody – a sock-obsessed chump. A sock-lackey. A sock-slavey.

Ha! Ha! Let’s all look at him and laugh at him – the girl’s sock studier. And let us congratulate the bright young woman on her total sock-enslavement of the fool. Truly he is privileged to be in the presence of such superior socks and to have them constantly preying on his menial mind!

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