Prostitute's Guttersnipe-Slave

The local prostitute often visits the street cafe for a freebie meal. The owner is always glad to see her as she's good for business (plus she often gives him a quickie in the kitchen!). Observe how she casually and unthinkingly walks over the drain slave on her way to the cafe, no doubt 'inadvertently' flicking some of her hot cigarette ash down onto the drain slave beneath her dirty boots. For the ever-hungry drain slave, of course, such 'tasty' delicacies as discarded cigarette ash are considered a real treat. Indeed, if he's very lucky, he sometimes gets to eat a whole cigarette butt - sometimes even with lipstick flavouring on it! But for tonight he will just have to make do with a prostitute's hot cigarette ashes mixed in with her streetwalker's bootdirt - a feast fit for a drain slave! Haha!

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