
This young woman and her boyfriend may seem to be very public-spirited in selflessly taking time out of their busy schedule to humiliate one of the Gynarchy’s prisoner-slaves, but they explain to the guard-mistress that it was actually theywho had committed the crime for which the prisoner-slave was convicted (theft of a vehicle), and that they had wanted to come and gloat over their court-appointed whipping boy and fall guy as he languishes in prison their behalf!

On hearing this information, the Gynarchy guard-mistress congratulates the happy couple on their successful crime, and invites them to witness in person the convicted thief’s punishment flogging in the prison yard this coming Saturday. The young woman thanks the guard-mistress for her kind offer, but explains that she and her boyfriend will be using their stolen vehicle to drive to a music festival this weekend. She enquires, though, as to whether or not footage of the prisoner-slave’s punishment will be uploaded onto the internet, and the guard-mistress politely assures her that it will be, so the couple will still be able to view their whipping boy’s pain and suffering on their smartphones anytime they please! 

The couple are delighted! Note too, if you will, the pre-existing bruise on the prisoner’s right eye – courtesy, no doubts, of his pretty guard-mistress’s uniform boot! Ha! Ha! What a total loser prisoner no. D234A567 is – a falsely-convicted, bruised, bootkissing, about-to-be-whipped, loser slave. Let’s join with his public-spirited visitors in laughing at him!

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