Intimate Apparel

Of course, being a mere public footservant out on the streets, the most intimate apparel I ever get to see on a customer-mistress is her socks. And, sadly, oftentimes it is but a slither of sock that is visible to me, atop a stylish ankleboot, for example. Fortunately, however, there are many differing styles of socks for me to observe and admire and every sock is unique to its esteemed wearer!

It is such an honour and a privilege for the likes of me to be so intimately close to a customer's socks. Just think - I am getting an even closer view of this customer's socks than her husband (or, at least, of the tops of her socks!). Not that he will be jealous - a real man doesn't care about his wife's socks on her feet! He enjoys much more intimacy with his wife than her socks!

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