Freedom Of Movement

The beautiful jogging mistress is clearly trying to keep fit, but she nevertheless kindly stops by the prisoner-slave in the public stocks in order to humiliate him by having him kiss-respect her sweaty sneakers!

The beautiful young woman is jogging in order to keep fit...

...but not too busy that she can't stop to humble the prisoner having him kiss her sneakered feet!

The captive fool presses his lips to the outstretched sneaker-toe

He dare not even look this beautiful mistress in the sock!

For these are the shoes and socks of his better...

...of a free female, who is out for a jog in the park!

She confidently switches feet in front of his confined face

Again he lowers his lowly lips to her rounded sneaker-toe

Her tracksuited leg towers dominantly over his humble head!

As does her other one when she switches feet again

See how she despises the footkissing prisoner-slave

She then turns to continue on her fabulous fitness regime

Feeling pride in herself - and rightly so!

For she has just humbled a helpless prisoner in the stocks!

See how he bows his head in shame...

...and enviously observes the freedom of movement that her sneakers and socks have

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