Verbal Warning

The pretty, Asian customer-mistress verbally warns me not to allow my 'filthy tongue' to brush against her freshly pedicured toes whilst I am lickshining the soles of her sandals. She doesn't seem to mind, however, when the tip of my big nose inadvertently brushes against her toenails!

Warning me not to touch her bare toes with my menial mouth

She then concentrates on her important work high above me...

...whilst I tongue-clean the soles of her sandals

Such pretty sandals - the sandals of a superior businesswoman

I heed her warning, of course... I don't want to be whipped!

That's why I look so frightened

I must meet this superb young woman's exacting standards!

I am a nothing and a nobody - down at her superior feet

She kindly ignores me when my big nose brushes against her toenails

I suppose it's just my slave-saliva she doesn't want on her toes?

Such a kind and understanding customer-mistress!


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