Frightened Face

No wonder this old footslave looks frightened - there is a massive female bootsole heading down towards his face, demanding to be cleaned!

A heavy female boot descends onto his upturned face

It squashes his nose!

He is now wide-eyed with fear

For he knows this dirty boot will be dragged across his face!

The female wearer first steadies herself...

...and gets her balance

She is now ready to drag her bootsole

Slowly, and deliberately, she drags it across the footslave's face

...scraping off the dirt

Leaving her boot dirt in his mouth, nose and eyes!

She briefly surveys her handiwork

...before switching her attention to her other boot!

Same process - getting her balance, then dragging her boot

...slowly and deliberately across the old footslave's face

Getting as much dirt off the sole as she can... that it is now transferred onto the slave's face!

Again she pauses to make sure it has worked!

A slave's-eye view of the young woman's dirty bootsole...

...coming down inexorably towards your face!

You try to lick the dirt out from between the treads...

...and use your nose as a boot-scraper!

Because her boot is better, and more important, than your face

To lick this bright young woman's bootsole dirt is an honour!

And, after all, she's only doing what the sign exhorts her to!

'Please wipe your feet on the slave'!

How public-spirited of her to obey the sign!

She turns to walk away from you...

leaving only the DNA from her bootdirt on your feckless face

You can still taste her boot!

And you now have to worry...

...about whose footwear might be next!


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