No Show
No show. Ms Mukta is a no show. And, no, I don’t mean that she wears ‘no-show’ socks (though she often does!). I mean, she herself has not shown up – despite ‘promising’ to visit me on Sunday evening several days ago!
Of course, she’s under no obligation to keep her ‘promises’
to me. I’m just a slave. I mean nothing to her, and I’m sure she has much
better things to do with her time! Perhaps she is going for a slap-up meal with
her husband? Or she was put off from coming out to visit me in my dirty,
deserted alcove by the inclement weather? Or perhaps she just plain forgot?
Whatever, she owes me no explanation, let alone an apology,
for her no show. The end result, however, is that I am left alone all evening,
with just the rain and a wet rat for company. And even the rat seems to have
little interest in me!
I can’t imagine any other ‘customers’ will venture out this evening to have their feet kiss-respected or their shoes or boots lickshined. So I am left with just my thoughts. My thoughts about what Ms Mukta’s shoes and socks may be up to right now. Lying discarded on the bedroom floor whilst she is making love to her magnificent husband? Or is she wearing them to the cinema? Or is she at a party?
I’ll probably never know, of course, for it is highly
unlikely she will offer me an explanation for her no show this evening when
she next deigns to visit me for a lick and a shine of her familiar footwear.
Like I said, I’m just slave. A nothing
and a nobody. A non-entity. I mean less to her than her socks!
The rat scurries off and abandons me – just as the goddess has done – leaving me to drown my sorrows in the dirt!