Red Socks At Night...

‘Red socks at night, footslave’s delight

Red socks in the morning, footslave’s warning!’

I know regular customer-mistress Ms Mukta madam well enough to know that her choice of socks often reflects her mood. Thus, if she is wearing her bright red socks (with the black trims) at night, it indicates she is still feeling bright and alert, despite the lateness of the hour. I can therefore relax (to some extent) as I know she is unlikely to want to hurt me.

If, however, she is wearing her red and black socks in the morning, it serves as a warning to me. She has not slept well and is likely in an angry mood. Hence her red socks at such times serve very much as a footslave’s warning!

Red socks at night...

...footslave's delight!

My delightful view of Ms Mukta's red and black SOCK!

It indicates she is in a relatively good, late-night mood

Not that I can ever take her goodness and kindness for granted!

A customer-mistress can turn on a public footslave at any moment...

...and unleash her womanly wrath upon him!

Still, you can see how delighted my face is to have witnessed her late-night, red and black SOCKS!

Red socks in the morning...

...footslave's warning!

They may even be the very same pair of red and black SOCKS that she had on last night!

Perhaps customer-mistress Ms Mukta madam was in such a bad mood this morning... 

...she couldn't even be bothered to change her SOCKS?

Whatever, I must be ultra cautious in my footslave dealings with her. Her red SOCKS are now a WARNING!

They indicate her FOUL MOOD!

As does the expression on her FACE!

I have been WARNED!

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