
I am frightened of all my customers, but the scariest of them all must surely be regular customer-mistress miss Li Yan, who delights in borrowing her sister’s Gynarchy police truncheon in order to beat me about the head should I fail to satisfy her with my sneaker-licking efforts.

Miss Li Yan madam may have a perennial smile on her face when she visits me, but it is a cruel, threatening and unfriendly smile – the sort of smile that says ‘given half a chance, I’m going to hurt you, slave!’. Indeed, I’m guessing cruelty must be an innate part of her family genes, since her sister, miss Li Wei, would have had to demonstrate a natural propensity for cruelty towards the male before being accepted into the Gynarchy’s Female Police!

And so I always show the utmost respect towards her sister, miss Li Yan’s, shoes and socks, since I am a cowardly footslave and don’t want to be beaten and hurt!

They are speaking to one another in Chinese as they leave. What do you think they are saying?

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