Neighbourhood Footslave

Many citizens of the Gynarchy install a 'neighbourhood footslave' in their front gardens overlooking the street, so that passers-by may have their feet courtesy-kissed if they so wish. It's considered a neighbourly thing to do!

A neighbourhood footslave courtesy-kisses the sandalled toes of a passer-by whilst another passer-by wearing sneakers and socks waits in the wings

He kisses feet through the railings of his mistress's front garden

I wonder if her toes smell as fragrant as the flower petals strewn across the pavement?

We can be fairly sure the awaiting sneakers and socks won't smell as sweet!

Eventually, the sandalled feet proceed on their merry way...

...leaving space for the sneakers and socks to take their place

The slave must now taste musty-smelling sneaker leather...

...and creased, white anklesock!

Meanwhile, the wearer of the sneakers and socks looks unpityingly down on the slave

He's just a thing that courtesy-kisses feet

Such differing tastes in the superior mouth of the customer-mistress and the menial mouth of the courtesy-slave!

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