Showing Me Her New Socks

Regular customer Ms Mukta madam walks towards me on another grey and overcast day in the Gynarchy of Barbaria. My heart leaps with slavish joy, as her regular visits to my confined face really help to brighten up my otherwise dull day! She's one of the few customers who actually deigns to converse with me - though she must be respected!

She kindly and confidently stops directly in front of me and hitches up her jean leg to reveal her red and black socktop.

‘Hi, sockieboy! How do you like my new socks?’

It’s a rhetorical question, of course, for Ms Mukta knows full well that I always love her socks, since they are her socks, on her feet!

‘Oh pray, Ms Mukta madam, truly your new socks are fabulous, miss. Like you are, miss!’

‘Haha, yes I am fabulous, aren’t I slave?... Kiss my foot!’

And with that she unceremoniously shoves her sneakered (and socked) foot in front of my face for slavish respect-kissing, as she has done hundreds of times before. Ms Mukta likes to be worshipped! 

Ms Mukta heads confidently towards me - her local public humble-head

As she gets ever closer, I get a clearer view of her red and black socktops inside her sneakers

She asks me how I like her socks, which are new. I've certainly never seen them before. I humbly tell her I like them very much.

She then, as she is wont to do, arrogantly orders me to kiss her foot, which I am wont to do

Followed by her other foot

My humbling view of her red and black socktop

Ms Mukta, as ever, looks down on me. She despises me, even though she chats with me

She then silently turns her back on me...

...leaving me with a lowly slave's eye view of the backs of her departing socks

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