
‘Lipping’ is when a slave is ordered to simultaneously kiss a customer’s sock with his upper lip, whilst his lower lip respectfully touches the upper rim of their shoe. The contrast in sensations that the slave’s lips have to feel i.e. the softness of the sock contrasting with the harshness of the shoe, is considered deeply humbling for the slave.

Here we see Ms Aneka madam demonstrating a lipping to two of her best friends. She is showing them how easy it is – for the master or mistress. Needless to say it is not so easy for the public humble head, for not only must he strain his neck upwards to reach the sock, but should his quivering, frightened upper lip, or even his nose, inadvertently brush against the mistress’s bare ankleskin he can expect his own skin – on his back – to be hastily removed by means of an angry and stinging whip!

Let’s hope for this particular humble head’s sake that the young Asian woman watching the demonstration does not decide to have a go on his mouth. For she is wearing veryshort socks inside her ballet flats, and the slave’s upper lip and nose would surely be perilously close to her soft, bare, feminine ankle skin whilst performing a lipping?

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