
It isn’t just the unemployed whose feet and footwear I must serve on the sink estate. In recent years the estate has become home to many upwardly mobile young professionals, many of whom will often stop by me either to have their shoes kiss-respected, or for a quick lick and a shine.

Here you see me kiss-respecting the decorative buckles on a busy young woman’s workday ballet-flats, whilst my nose nestles in her nylon-covered toe cleavage. Meanwhile, a smartly dressed businessman master-sir is waiting patiently in line behind her, no doubt in order to have his office brogues lickshined prior to heading off to an important business meeting with his clients.

Note how such businesslike customers are always on their phones – and much too busy to speak to the likes of me, other than to snap down their perfunctory orders at me. Mind you, my unemployed customer-masters and mistresses on the sink estate are just the same! They are all my superiors and betters, whatever their employment status may be, and I must never forget that. I’m just a down-in-the-dirt, public footservant!

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