Kiss Your Feet, Madam?

I’m so glad I am situated where I am outside the Ladies public restroom facility as opposed to the Gents around the corner! Imagine having to be a ‘kiss your feet, sir?’ slave!

A potential customer-mistress emerges from the public restroom

'Oh pray, mistress madam, if it pleases you, mistress madam, please may I kiss your feet, mistress madam?'

She silently accedes to my pathetic, self-abasing request

My lowly lips yet again touch shoeleather

The shoeleather of a superior being - a woman!

My eyes are level with her sock... I can't help but study and admire it

Just think, this foot, sock and shoe are worth more than me!

She presents her sneakered feet to me with such feminine poise... after the other!

How she must despise me - this superior and intelligent young woman!

Quite rightly, she soon turns her back on me

I bow my humble head in shame next to her departing feet

Feet I have just kissed!

And socks I have just studied!

I hope and pray that the pretty customer-mistress feels reinforced in her femininity and power over me!


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