Eavesdropping Part 2

Eavesdropping Part 2

By Lowest of the low

Sequel to Part 1

Mistress Aneka then stopped talking for a brief moment so she could take another drag of her cigarette before flicking the ash through my drain grate and luckily for me, straight into my waiting mouth. Being a constantly starving drain slave means I have to take whatever sustenance comes my way no matter how unappetizing it may be to try and help alleviate my hunger pains, which means I certainly can't be fussy and cigarette ash definitely plays a big part in my slave diet. 

While I was looking up my greedy eyes also couldn't help but notice a delicious looking twig stuck in between the treads of one of Ms Aneka madams black work boots. Unfortunately, though, it was well and truly jammed in there and wasn't about to fall off anytime soon, so all I could do was stare up at it longingly while jealousy thinking that some other lucky footslave would probably have the honour of removing and then eating it instead of me.

Mistress Aneka then took another deep drag on her cigarette before continuing on with her story:

“So I followed the maid inside and one of the first things I noticed was the ornamental foot kisser on the other side of the door to welcome any guests that want to have their footwear kissed. He was also wearing one of those silly looking footfool masks that was exactly the same colour as the wall, so he kind of blended into the surroundings. The maid then asked if I wanted to have my boots kissed, while also telling me one of the main reasons for the footfool mask was because the ladies didn't want the slave’s ugly face ruining the highly fashionable and very classy decor, which I thought was highly understandable.

So I took her up on the offer and placed my boots, one after the other, in front of the slave’s lips and without even wasting a second he began eagerly kissing them. The maid then laughed and told me the reason why the slave was so quick to kiss my boots was because he'd already received countless whippings from Brutus after some of the ladies had deemed his lip service far too slow. So now the second any type of footwear is placed in front of him he frantically begins kissing it to try and avoid another whipping. However, just to 'keep him on his toes' so to speak, she told me the ladies still get Brutus to whip him from time to time anyway!

Anyway, I still had a job to do so, without wasting any more time, I followed the maid down the corridor and through a couple of large side rooms which were decorated with very expensive looking paintings until we entered an even bigger lounge room which was where I saw lady Cordelia along with two other posh looking ladies. They were all sitting not too far away from the roaring fireplace, drinking champagne. But the thing that surprised me the most was that none of the women appeared to be wearing any shoes! Instead they only had socks on their feet and even stranger still they seemed to be moving them backwards and forwards across the carpet for some reason? Which I at first thought was kinda weird.

However as I got a bit closer it wasn't long before I realised exactly what the ladies were doing! Directly underneath their socked feet were the trapped faces of numerous slaves and the ladies appeared to be using them as foot massages. Their bodies must have been locked underneath the floorboards somewhere because only their faces were showing, all of which were completely level with the carpet. The maid then introduced me to the group as Lady Cordelia stood up to welcome me herself, while also thanking me for coming out at such short notice. She then told me that the group had all been out horse riding for the day and that their feet were all tired and sweaty from being inside their tight fitting leather jodhpur boots, so they were now using the slaves faces to not only dry off the sweat from the bottoms of their socks but to also give their tired feet a massage by using the slave’s nose.

I then told her it was a great idea and how I wished that I also had one of those in my home, but unfortunately something like that was certainly well out of my pay bracket!

Lady Cordelia then told me one of the first things she needed me to do was to go and supervise the jodhpur-boot cleaning slave. She said that the last time the idiotic creature lick-cleaned all of their boots, he stupidly left a small patch of dirt under one of the heels! Luckily, though, Brutus had picked up on it right away and he was severely punished for it. Although she did tell me with a smile, that she wouldn't have been at all surprised if Brutus had put the dirt on there himself simply because he was in the mood to whip a slave. But she pointed out that it was really none of her concern, just as long as their expensive leather jodhpur-boots are sparking clean - that's all she really cares about.

She then told the maid to first take me to the room where Brutus stores all of his whips where I was told I could choose any ones I liked from his huge collection which I felt would be necessary for the job. After I'd chosen the right whips I was then going to be taken to the entrance way where the ladies had left all of their dirty boots after their day of riding and was told that's where the Jodhpur-boot cleaning slave would be ready and waiting for my arrival.

Lady Cordelia then thanked me again for coming out before returning to her seat and placing her sweaty-looking socks directly back over the trapped slave’s face and once again moving them backwards and forwards. It was quite funny because I could almost see the look of despair on the slave’s face as Lady Cordelia began slowly lowering her smelly socks back down onto it once again, but I'm sure he knew better than to scrunch up his face at the smell!”

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