Private, Pre-Public Flogging

Here we see a hapless, Gynarchy prisoner-slave undergoing a so-called ‘private, pre-public flogging’ in front of some invited guests. Indeed, two of the guests are the ones wielding the whips!

Let us analyse this scene in more detail:

·       On the far left of the picture is prison-guard mistress Ms Anna madam. Observe how she is not only enjoying the sight of the two civilian girls whipping the prisoner; she is also fingering her baton, ready to prod and pummel him in the ribs if he fails to show suitably entertaining pain reactions in front of the assembled onlookers. Officer-mistress Ms Anna madam, you will note, is wearing her regulation, black leather uniform boots, and we can only assume, therefore, that inside those boots she is wearing the uniform-regulation, thick grey socks
·       To her right, and slightly in front of her, is the young, redheaded civilian woman currently wielding the whip. See how the whip is raised into the air behind her dyed-red ponytail and about to begin its fiery descent down onto the prisoner’s back at the speed of sound. We should just explain that she bears no personal malice against the prisoner-slave, as she has no connection with him whatsoever – other than the connection of her stinging whip! She has simply been chosen at random by the prison authorities to participate in the prisoner’s pre-whipping – though, admittedly, she did have to put her name forward in a Female State lottery in order to be in with a chance of winning this punishment prize! Note how her grey boots have yellow cuffs at the top. Those are not socks – rather they are part of the design of her boot. But it wouldn’t surprise me if this bright and intelligent, young lady was indeed wearing socks inside her boots – possibly white socks, but potentially any bright colour or hue
·       Almost directly in front of her is a familiar, pretty face surrounded by long, black hair – and another lucky lottery winner, Ms Arabella madam. Ms Arabella often attends such pre-whippings as she enters virtually every such lottery that comes up. By the law of averages she is bound to win at least a few of them (plus, of course, a bit of bribery of the prison guards doesn’t do any harm!). Note how Ms Arabella madam is enjoying a cigarette whilst the prisoner-slave suffers for her entertainment and delectation. Note too that she is wearing her ubiquitous plain, black flats and grey anklesocks, along with her equally ubiquitous pink bomber jacket and blue denim jeans. OK, so she is no fashion icon – but Ms Arabella madam is still a young woman who is very much to be admired, and I have no doubt that, in between his howls of pain, the whipped slave is eternally grateful to her for her mocking, smoking presence. If he isn’t, he damn well should be!
·       On the right hand side of the whipping column stands officer-mistress Ms Aneka madam, purely and simply enjoying the spectacle through her spectacles. She too is wearing the regulation uniform boots, like her colleague officer-mistress Ms Anna madam. But, unlike Ms Anna madam, Ms Aneka madam is known amongst the prisoners to be a bit of a rebel, and to often wear non-regulation bright blue socks inside her boots. I wonder whether she is wearing such socks inside her boots today? Or rather, the prisoner does!
·       Directly behind officer-mistress Ms Anna madam, waiting patiently in the wings as it were, is the wooden ‘humble horse’, ready to convey the prisoner-slave to his place of public flogging in the Gynarchy town square. Ha! Ha! How humiliating for the prisoner to have to ‘ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross’ – or whatever the town square is actually named – especially with a pre-whipped back for all to see!
·       In the far right hand corner are the magistrate master-sir and his latest floozy – sorry, I mean girlfriend – overseeing proceedings to ensure the requisite amount of pre-pain is delivered to the prisoner-slave’s back before the main pain is inflicted upon him in the town square. The young lady standing next to him appears bemused by what she is witnessing, but then, she does have the appearance of being something of a flibbertigibbet, albeit a very beautiful one, in her fancy, ornate cowboy boots. My guess is that she is wearing frivolous, cartoon-themed socks inside her boots but, sadly, we shall never know – unless she stoops down to pull them up!
·       Thankfully, we do know what type of socks the slave’s second whipper is wearing, for they are almost fully on display thanks to her low-cut shoes and tight leggings. They are the plain grey anklesocks of well-known prisoner tormentress Ms Marielle madam – she of the blonde hair and sarcastic laughter. See how she is just itching to ply her whip across the slave’s back – but must await her turn, since the girls have decided to alternate between giving him 20 lashes each (100 in total, since it is only a pre-whipping; for his main flogging he has been sentenced to a further 500 lashes, which shall be professionally delivered by a trained whipmistress). I do get the impression, nevertheless that both these civilian girls know how to whip, and that the slave is in for a long afternoon of stinging, biting pain! Ha! Ha! Serves him right – I assume!

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