Between His Master's Socked Ankles

The lowly sock slavey must kneel in between his master’s socked ankles on the floor of the bus. Oh how humbling, oh how humiliating for him! He must study the creases in his master’s socks, and even feel them brushing against his sock-confined temples!

Oh how humbling! Oh how humiliating for the sock slavey!

Having to kneel with his humble head sandwiched in between another man's socks!

And a much younger man, at that!

Though, self-evidently, a much better man than the sock slavey!

The sock slavey is fit only to think about his superior master's SOCKS!

Haha, the slavey's furrowed brow even matches the CREASES in his master's SOCKS!

The slavey is forbidden to even think about his master above the SOCKS!

Meanwhile, said master-sir is oblivious to his personal sock-slavey's suffering beneath him

He has much more important things on his manly mind...

...such as making love to his beautiful girlfriend later this evening!

Sock slavey, meanwhile, remains focussed on his superior's SOCKS

See how he studies the SOCKS!


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