Liking Her Legwarmers

On a bitterly cold night, a customer-mistress has me admire her stylish, yet practical, legwarmers. I wish she would kindly use them as my facewarmers!

A young woman, well wrapped-up against the cold in her puffer jacket, leggings, bobble hat and legwarmers, approaches me confidently from across the frozen yard

The closer she gets, the more I admire her thick legwarmers

Thick, beige legwarmers, with lots of creases!

The legwarmers, and accompanying dirty sneakers, stop directly in front of my freezing face

Then the right sneaker is unceremoniously shoved towards my waiting, menial mouth...

...swiftly followed by the left

The beige legwarmers tower masterfully over my humble sneaker-kissing head... their pretty wearer looks down upon me...

...repeatedly switching her legs in front of my face!

My humbling view of her foot, including a tantalising glimpse of plain grey sock underneath the legwarmer

Oh how humbling! Oh how humiliating!...

...To have a girl's creased legwarmers towering over me as I must humbly kiss-respect her dirty sneaker toes!

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