Friendly Feet

A visit to my foothole cell from my erstwhile mistress, Ms Mukta madam, is always most welcome – as it’s nice for a foothole prisoner like me to occasionally see a friendly pair of feet. We had parted on good terms. My mistress Mukta simply had no further use for me. But she still likes to visit me from time to time, just to observe how I’m languishing in foothole prison!

I espy a pair of familiar, friendly feet approaching my foothole cell

It is the feet of my former mistress - Ms Mukta madam!

How many times have I kissed those sneakers!

They stop, coquettishly, in front of me...

...before the right sneaker is unceremoniously shoved through the hatch onto my imprisoned mouth

I am gratified to see also that Ms Mukta is wearing a familiar pair of plain, grey socks

The socktops are barely visible in the gloom, but I know those socks well - every stitch of them!

These are, after all, the socks of my former mistress to whom I was enslaved over many years!

Ms Mukta kindly switches feet to give me a better view of her other sock...

...and a tantalising taste of yet more of her everyday sneaker dirt...

...the taste of freedom, since the wearer of the sneakers is, unlike me, at liberty to walk around the streets outside!

I, by way of contrast, and thanks to my being dumped by Ms Mukta, am now permanently confined in my foothole cell...

...where I belong. For where else should a useless and unwanted footslave be kept?

As she silently turns to leave, Ms Mukta has not said a word to me

She has every right to feel smug about herself...

...since she is not the one in prison condemned to a life of kissing the guards' and visitors' feet!

I am deeply sorry to see her sneakers and socks go

Oh would that I could follow them...

...and serve them once more - just like in the old days!

It could be ages before I see those friendly sneakers and socks again!

I therefore study the stitches in Ms Mukta's socktops, so that I may remember them

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