Smart and Casual

A smart and casually dressed, young Asian woman approaches me from across the yard

An everyday Asian goddess approaches my confined face

The closer she gets, the more I try to see what type of socks she is wearing inside her Asian sneakers

But, even when her sneakered feet stop directly in front of me, I still can't see her socks. Her pants are too long!

It is only when she, silently, stretches forth her right foot for kissing that her trouser-leg rides up enough to show me her black sock

And a very nice sock it is too!

Shapely, Asian-ankle hugging, and with fancy, feminine stitching!

I truly admire the sock from my lowly position...

...and her other matching sock when she silently switches feet in front of my face

What an honour! What a privilege! To be so up-close and personal with an Asian goddess's SOCK!

'Slave look at sock!'

I obey the young woman. She too is clearly aware of the great privilege she is bestowing upon me, in showing me her Asian-girl SOCK!

What a SUPERB SOCK! I study the individual stitches in her SOCK, and the way they stretch over her shapely, outer anklebone!

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