Love and Loathing of the WHIP!

This slave’s pretty mistress loves her WHIP every bit as much as her slave loathes it. Or, more accurately, fears it! He fears its biting, burning STING which he must wear constantly on his back. For his mistress loves using her WHIP every bit as much as she loves her WHIP per se. Hence her WHIP is continuously attached to a belt around her shapely, feminine waist, so that it is always to hand - and is never far from her slave’s back, which no doubt explains his slavish concentration on the backs of his pretty mistress’s socks. He doesn’t wish to displease her – or her WHIP!

Incidentally, the two girls in this scene are not talking about the slave, or the WHIP. They have much better topics to catch up on, such as their respective, manly boyfriends. The slave’s fear and loathing of the WHIP couldn’t be further from their excited thoughts!

The two young women chat about their boyfriends when they bump into one another in the street...

...whilst the slave of the young woman on the left kneels obediently behind her sneakers and socks...

...staring at her SOCKS!

It is a submissiveness and obedience fostered in him by the WHIP...

...and his FEAR of the WHIP!

The slave's humbling view of his pretty mistress's socked heel

He is NOT distracted by the equally pretty socks of his mistress's friend

Again, we have the WHIP to thank for that!

It is the WHIP, and the constant threat of the WHIP, that keeps his lowly eyes on the straight and narrow

The straight and narrow stitching of his mistress's white socks, that is!

Her SOCKS!... The slave dutifully studies the backs of his mistress's SOCKS!

Better to stare at SOCKS than face the STING of the WHIP!


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