No Matter How Short The Socks

Day and night, Gynarchy slaves can be seen kneeling in public next to their master’s or mistress’s feet in everyday settings – required by Law to study their owner’s socktops, no matter how short those socks may be!

It’s a sign of respect for their master’s greatness!

A slave studies his pretty mistress's ultra-short, bright red sneaker-sock top as she waits patiently for her bus

She pays absolutely no attention to her slave - and rightly so; he's just her slave!

Said slave, meanwhile, is focussed intently on his mistress's left, red socktop...

...the one closest to his face

If we look at her other socktop, however, we can see that the socks are not plain red, but patterned!

How exciting for the slave - to know that his pretty mistress's socks are exotic inside her sneakers!

They may even be Xmas-themed socks? Who knows? Who cares? Certainly not the wearer of the socks!

To her socks are something she just slips onto her feet of a morning.

It's only her slave who is obsessed by her socks!

Though, perhaps, understandably so - given the amount of time he spends kneeling next to his mistress's feet!

The fool considers himself lucky to be so permanently up-close and personal with his mistress's socks!

He's her 'sock slavey'!

Her socks are his life!

SOCKS!... Her SOCKS!...

The SOCKS of a bright and beautiful young woman. The SOCKS of his OWNER!

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