
Showing posts from March, 2025

What An Honour!

A superb customer-mistress has me lickshine her sneakers whilst she chats with her mates on the phone high above me. What an honour to be so close to her shoes and socks! Chatting merrily away high above me on her phone... ...whilst I tongue-attend to her sneakers I get a fabulous  view of her SOCK! I can see the patterns in the stitching and everything! Just think - this pretty customer's SOCK is worth more than me! I am not worthy to even breathe in the same air as her SOCK! Meanwhile her other SOCK, inside its accompanying SNEAKER, weighs heavily down upon the top of my humble head It just goes to show the CONTEMPT in which the SOCK holds me! The pretty wearer of the SOCK certainly holds me in contempt! I'm just her HUMAN FOOTREST-cum-SHOELICKER! A place for her to rest her FEET on whilst she converses with her friends I study her SOCK with REVERENCE and AWE - as befits a FOOTSLAVE!

Brand New

It’s always a nice treat for a public footslave to have to kiss-respect a brand new pair of sneakers on a customer’s feet! A brand new customer-mistress... ...with brand new sneakers to be kissed! Not sure about her SOCKS, though! The customer's SOCKS certainly look clean and fresh! But only their pretty wearer knows if they too are brand new on her FEET! I can smell the newness in the rubber of her sneakers And taste it! But the newness or otherwise of the customer's SOCKS must remain a mystery! I nevertheless admire the SOCKS! These are, after all, the SOCKS of a brand new customer-mistress! Hopefully, she will become a regular... ...for there is truly much to admire in her SNEAKERS and SOCKS!  

Wanting Her Feet Kissed

'Slave, come here! I want my feet kissed!' 'Kiss my foot!' 'Yes, mistress madam. At once, mistress madam.' I seek to please my pretty mistress by obeying her command I humbly, and respectfully, kiss her sneakered foot - specifically the shoelaces! Her white sock is just visible beneath her trouser hem I humbly study the sock admiringly, as befits a footslave! Meanwhile the sock of the master sir hovers perilously close to my humble, footkissing head! Truly I am the slave of my betters' feet, socks and shoes! Their SOCKS! I hear my elderly master sir chortle as I abase myself at his 18-year-old granddaughter's feet Haha... heehee... hoho... Unlike her grandfather, the mistress madam is not chortling I must placate and please her yet more, by kissing her feet even harder!  

Fabulous Views

A smart and superb young woman has her feet kissed by a pathetic, public humble head whilst her manly boyfriend offers her his masculine support. At least the dumb footslave gets some fabulous views of tiny slithers of his pretty customer-mistress’s bright, white socks beneath her trouser hems! A public footfool serves his betters out on the street How they laugh at him as he grovels before them! But for his humble part, the footfool remains fixated on a glimpse of white sock! The white sock of his beautiful, black customer-mistress! The fool can even make out the stitching in the sock - so close is his feckless face to it! that's because he must repeatedly kiss the bright young black woman's shoe Whilst she is being supported and encouraged by her manly boyfriend He relishes  seeing the public humble head paying his slavish respects to the woman! Haha, you'd never catch him  grovelling at a 'bird's' feet! Meanwhile the slave is happy to do just that... ...if ...