Modestly Dirty Sneakers

A superb customer-mistress largely ignores me as I diligently tongueshine her modestly dirty sneakers beneath her clean, white socks, interrupting her text messaging at one point only to bark her further female instructions down at me. 

I am largely being ignored as I tongueshine this superb customer-mistress's modestly dirty sneakers

Her white socks, I note, are pristine clean

I stare admiringly, but respectfully, at the socks as I taste where the customer has been

Her shapely-socked ankles really are a sight for sore eyes!

Of course, I MUST not think of this superb customer-mistress above the socks!

I am fit only to look her in the SOCK...

...and to think only of her SOCK STITCHES!

SOCKS... DIRT... SNEAKERS... this is my lowly level

And how pathetically puny I must look beneath her SHOES and SOCKS!

I diligently focus on the menial task in mouth...

...that of tongueshining this brilliant young woman's SNEAKERS!

'Clean the top, slave, but don't touch the SOCK!'

She observes me in order to ensure my slavish compliance with her female orders...

...before resuming her text messaging

My tongue is now perilously close to the forbidden, white SOCK!

MUST NOT touch the SOCK!

Even an inadvertent and wholly accidental brushing of my nose or tongue against her SOCK would likely incur her WRATH!

And I don't wish to feel this haughty customer's young-womanly ire. I'm frightened of her!

I'm just a slave - in her POWER and at her MERCY...

...the MERCY of her SOCKS!

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