Wanting Her Feet Kissed

'Slave, come here! I want my feet kissed!'

'Kiss my foot!'

'Yes, mistress madam. At once, mistress madam.'

I seek to please my pretty mistress by obeying her command

I humbly, and respectfully, kiss her sneakered foot - specifically the shoelaces!

Her white sock is just visible beneath her trouser hem

I humbly study the sock admiringly, as befits a footslave!

Meanwhile the sock of the master sir hovers perilously close to my humble, footkissing head!

Truly I am the slave of my betters' feet, socks and shoes!

Their SOCKS!

I hear my elderly master sir chortle as I abase myself at his 18-year-old granddaughter's feet

Haha... heehee... hoho...

Unlike her grandfather, the mistress madam is not chortling

I must placate and please her yet more, by kissing her feet even harder!


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