Today it is my honour to serve an Alpha Asian female
customer-mistress as she totally ignores me being engrossed in a conversation
in Chinese on her phone high above me.
She’s right to ignore me, of course, for I am just the zeta
male at her feet – fit only to kiss her Asian-girl boots beneath her Asian-girl socks!
She seems to be a businesswoman of some sort - on her way home from the office, perhaps? |
She is certainly fixated on her phone call above me as I kiss-respect her Asian boots |
I'm thick. I can't speak Chinese, so I have no idea what her conversation is about |
Not that it's any of my damn business. My only business is with her Asian BOOTS and SOCKS! |
I endeavour to look up admiringly and respectfully at the Alpha customer's SOCKS |
She, meanwhile, ignores me beneath her |
And rightly so, for she has much more important Chinese things to be thinking about and conversing about! |
I am, literally, beneath her SOCK! |
My sole function in life is to kiss the BOOTS of my betters like this! |
And to admire and look up to their SOCKS! |
NOT their legs above their SOCKS, mind you! |
Since when am I worthy to look at the bare flesh of a superior Alpha female who is standing over me? |