Shirker Slave

A hardworking, Japanese businesswoman in her twenties stops, briefly, to have her feet kiss-respected by a public, humble head slave during her commute home from her office. 

The slave-shirker shows respect for the female worker...

...whilst she looks disparagingly down upon him

The public footfool gets a good view of her hardworking SOCK...

..including a prominent crease in that SOCK!

White SOCKS - to emphasise the customer's femininity and purity!

All he can taste and smell, however, is black shoeleather

The black-loafer shoeleather of a smartly-dressed and hardworking businesswoman

She deftly switches feet beneath his face to ensure he affords equal slavish respect to both her shoes!

He's just a slave!

She silently turns her Japanese back on him...

...rightly proud of herself and her achievements...

...whilst leaving the shirker-slave to rot in the streetdirt behind her!

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